We cover news, tips, tweaks, tricks and tips on mobile devices, cell phone apps, wearable gadgets and anything else phone/mobile in this mobile computing archive.
Both new, old, small, big and biggest mobile brands and manufacturer of mobile phones, mobile devices and phone accessories are covered in this category.
This is the reason why there’s post on Samsung, LG, Xiaomi, UMI, Leagoo, Micromax, Apple, Blackberry, Tecno, Infinix, Gionee, iTel, inJoo, Nokia and several other known/less-known mobile phone manufacturers.
We often take our mobile computing category over-board by writing about mobile banking apps, productivity apps and tips on best mobile phone wares.
There are dedicated editors on Android OS, iOS, Blackberry OS, Windows phone OS, Java OS and/or other mobile operating system.
We welcome other pro(s) on cell phones and mobile gadgets to pitch us news, tutorials, tips and tweaks as soon as there’s one that’s worth a publication on 3rd Planet Techies.