Marshmallow System UI Tuner: Meaning, Functions and How-To Use it

I've been using the Google's 6.0 Android version (Marshmallow) since it was announced. Its features are superb and miles ahead of the previous versions. Though we have heard about many marshmallow tweaks, I would love to emphasize more on the...

Wanna Download WhatsApp Media Statuses to Gallery? Use this 5 Methods

WhatsApp is no doubt,  one of the most popular messaging app of today. Their recent update created a space for both regular text status updates and those of media (similar to Snapchat's stories feature). These WhatsApp media statuses usually gets...

UBA Mobile Banking App: How to Use it for Airtime Purchase & Banking Transactions

Here's pro tips for downloading, activating and using UBA Mobile Banking App for Airtime Buying, DSTV Renewals, GoTV subscription, travel tickets, Bill payments and other Banking Transactions. This guide is created to take into account the use of USSD codes,...

How to Fix Heating Problem in Android Phones and Devices

Many deliberate actions like multitasking, running a lot of background services, overcharging device, playing heavy games and etc. cause device Android overheating problem. These reasons does not only overheat your device but they consume precious device resources as well for...

Leagoo Android Smart Phones Intro: Best Leagoo Devices to Buy in 2018

LEAGOO smartphones are gaining popularity within the African market. We got to know about them some months back, when we were contacted by Elaine, one of their sales manager. We monitored the trend of LEAGOO mobile for the said period and...

Best UMI Android SmartPhones Review: Lovely Devices for Users on Budget

UMI Android SmartPhones are not particularly new to the Android market as they rocked the mobile market few years ago with UMI Zero, UMI Hammer, Umi Diamond and Daimond X. Back then, UMI Zero and Umi Hammer were their...

Samsung Galaxy S8 Global Launch Date, Features and Prices

  The Samsung galaxy S8 has been on trend since its announcement, many rumors have been heard about the specs, features, and launch date. The smartphone has been a long awaited smartphone, and is expected to be launched on February 28,...

Top 10 Best Android Phones in the UK Market

If there is one thing that most of us cannot be without these days, it is our beloved smartphones. The popularity of these devices has soared over recent years with people of all ages now sporting one of the...

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