25 Best Free VPN Services that are 100% FREE, Secured

VPN's protects your personal information online and promotes security/privacy in no small measure. With good VPNs, your online activities are secured, anonymous and saved from preying eyes. Your physical location or device hardly matters when you're hooked up with a solid VPN...

20 Best Secret Spy Camera Recording Devices for Private Investigators

Our earlier review of Sanwood secret spy camera surveillance recording pen inspired most of our readers to ask for some more options that are really private.  Hence, an improved post on top best secret spy cameras for private investigators. Before diving...

Why It’s Worth Investing In Your Company’s Data Security Training

In this days of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, investing in data security and training on how to keep up the company's data integrity should be the priority of every serious business. It doesn't matter if the firm's daily tasks...

FixMeStick Review: Scans and Removes Threats from Mac/Windows PCs

Not long ago, we wrote about ransomware and computer viruses as well as launched a 20 license giveaway of internet security program to our tech audience. This is in a bid to keep you acquainted with  the best and safest...

Top 5 characteristics of a good VPN service

With so many hacking attempts, ransomware infections, malware attacks and cyber-crimes happening these days, there’s an increased level of focus on online privacy of internet users. Active use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) seems like the only good option...

Ransomware Protection Tips and InfoGraphic on Combating Malicious Viruses

The issue of ransomware, malware, viruses and cyber attack is not new to the tech world as many deadly viruses has been distributed in the past. In fact, railer odinga virus wrecked some machines as  far back as 2000s when...

TorGuard Software Emerges atop the List of VPN Ratings

Recently, the audit and review commission of VPNs worldwide has announced a rating of the most reliable and trusted services on the Web with Torguard on the top of the list. The company has appeared on the industry a while...

Private Internet Access [PIA] VPN Review: Secures Your Online Privacy

PIA VPN (Private Internet Access VPN) Service protects your Internet Connection, makes your data private, and secures your identity online without traces. I have been a virtual private network (VPN) user for a very long time, the reason being that...

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