Top Best Reasons to Outsource Your Company’s IT Support Needs

Today, technology is entwined in every aspect of the modern business. It brings many benefits in terms of efficiency, communication and business insights, but there is a downside to our reliance on IT systems. When your organization reaches a certain...

Why It’s Worth Investing In Your Company’s Data Security Training

In this days of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, investing in data security and training on how to keep up the company's data integrity should be the priority of every serious business. It doesn't matter if the firm's daily tasks...

Movavi Screen Recording App Intro: Lets You Record for All Occasions

Here at 3ptechies, a lot has been said about free logo creation tools and top photo editors, but not so much about screen recorders and/or movie creation tools. This is why Movavi screen recording app is a good topic to...

How to Recover Forgotten Windows Password in Seconds [Best 2 Methods]

Last time on Windows PC tweaks, We talked about PC Optimization tools and the best methods to recover lost or deleted files. But today's tweak is focused on how to recover forgotten password on Windows machines. As strange as it...

Converting PDF to Word? Best 20 PDF Editor for PC, Mac and Mobile

Portable Document Format (PDF) has grown to a stage where it is entirely acceptable as the primary document format for web, mobile, and E-mail transfers. It makes it easy to capture all the elements of a printed document as an...

Price-list of Latest HP Laptops in Tech Stores [W/ Specs and Features]

Hewlett-Packard Company popularly called HP and headquartered in Palo Alto, California, USA is no mean name among tech ardent and/or PC users in a more generic term. HP products are known for their class, quality, sturdy build and great standards. The...

FixMeStick Review: Scans and Removes Threats from Mac/Windows PCs

Not long ago, we wrote about ransomware and computer viruses as well as launched a 20 license giveaway of internet security program to our tech audience. This is in a bid to keep you acquainted with  the best and safest...

Specs, Features and Price-list of Latest Dell Laptop/Desktop PCs

The Dell Inspiron 15 notebook review we did sometime last year has prompted many of our readers to ask more about Dell product's reliability, price Vs value and best places to shop for them. Well this post isn't created to...

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