15 Best Technology Tutorial Blogs to Bookmark and Follow

I have been a lover of technology all my life which accounts to my having only tech blogs currently in my bookmark list. Just like me, you could be in dare need of blogs that provides real tutorials covering tech gadgets, electronics, design, blogging, how to guides, hardware and software.

top15 best tech tutorial blogs

Here today, I am presenting you with a near-perfect list of top 15 technology tutorial blogs you should have in your bookmark. I tried to make my list accurate by removing those gossip, news and hoarse blogs that provides little or no value to tech addicts like my own self.

Smashing Magazine

I started using smashing magazine as early as 2011 and till now they are still providing only high quality technology tutorials that leaves no room for questions.

Smashing Magazine tops the list of my bookmark when it comes to the best tech tutorial blogs around, their articles are usually written in a very professional manner, they cover numerous categories such as; typography, android, ios, graphics, wordpress, blogging and etc.


From a guest standpoint noupe might sound very awkward, I myself being a regular visitor of noupe can confidently recommend it as one of the most resourceful blog to get real tech digest as a web designer, developer or even as a blogger.

They aren’t like other news blogs around but do offer something really different when it comes to designer’s tutorial and updates.

WP Beginner

As the blog’s name and theme implies, WPbeginner  is the most resourceful tech blog for wordpress open source CMS platform users.

It is one great spot for tutorials on plugins, themes, server management, wordpress caching, design, wordpress SEO and many fundamental wordpress recipes.

Even as a normal blogger or tech enthusiast adding WPbeginner to your bookmark will enhance your proficiency when it comes to working on site’s powered by wordpress software.

Brian Gardner

If you just started visiting Brain Gardner recently, you might argue with me about listing it here. Brain Gardner’s blog has been a backbone to many wordpress users over the years, mostly we Genesis framework users can’t really thanks him enough as he never lack a code snippet to share.

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The blog has provided several customization tutorial and even free themes for bloggers using the blogger.com CMS  platform. You should add it to your list ‘cos you won’t regret taking that step.

Also see: Top 7 Reasons why I will Help Increase your blog’s Bounce Rate

How-to Geek

It comes as no surprise at all as how-to geek has proven over and over again to be the best tutorial blog covering technology guides relating to Linux, Windows, Macintosh, Software, Hardware, Internet and other operating system hacks.

Among tech lovers it’s one of their favorite ‘cos the editor has maintained a track record of writing from his heart and providing only realistic tutorials too.

My Blogger Tricks

Renown to be one of the most popular blogger powered technology blog that provides real tutorials when it comes to blog development, design, customization, blogging tips, SEO and business development mybloggertricks has built a strong reputation for itself that has survived all these years.

It will be a taboo not having it in your bookmark as a blogger.com CMS platform user .

Digital Inspiration

When ever real quality how-to tutorials on computer software, blogging, mobile apps, design, video tutorials and Search Engine Optimization becomes of any importance to you, digital inspiration will be the tech blog to turn to as it has remained unique since it’s inception.

Addictive Tips

I didn’t think twice before adding addictive tips to my browser’s bookmark. I have since enjoyed it as one of the best tech blog for tutorials on desktop, web and mobile apps, how-to tips for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. You should have it in your list as a tech lover, a computer system enthusiast or even as a mobile phone addict.

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You are really missing a lot if you don’t already have techlila in your browser’s bookmark. Techlila is known for tutorials and tips on blogging, SEO, web development, design and Customization.

Genesis framework users and bloggers at large will have a lot to gain from reading techlila regularly.

Also see: Stop Writing “How to” Guides, write about “What to Write”

Don Caprio

Doncaprio is a rapidly growing tech tutorial blog and covers broad themes such as; blogging tips, SEO, social media, mobile gadgets, computers, DIY guides and general tips and tricks.

The owner has been proven to be a writer with his readers and audience at heart, you will definitely have a lot to learn by being a frequent reader of the blog.

Blogging Cage

Known for his great generosity when it comes to giving out customized themes, handing first hand tutorials on themes customization, website development guides, blogging tips, SEO and make money online tips blogging cage has proven over and over again to be a tech blog to look on to even in many years to come.

Make Use Of

MakeUseOf just like mashable is a booming online technology magazine that features cool websites, cool software and internet tips on a daily basis.

It hands out tech tutorials from time to time, having it in your bookmark list will sure add some great value to your reading.


The 3 Plus in my 12 list

You might have been puzzled by my writing “12 + 3 Top Tech Tutorial Blogs you should consider Bookmarking”  instead of “15 Top Tech Tutorial Blogs you should consider Bookmarking” right?

best tutorial blogs to bookmark Here is a brief demystification of that puzzle; I normally do have only tech -tutorial blogs in my bookmark till I stumbled on the three blogs below. That has changed my list to include other themes, even as a tech enthusiast you will grow to fall in love with this 3 other blogs below.

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Adrienne Smith, the blog owner did not narrow her blog to tech only, but do also give first class tips on how to get quality traffic, how to make money blogging, how to build relationship with bloggers, how to make a blog engaging and similar concepts. In fact you should consider being a regular reader of adriennesmith.net.

Aha! NOW

Harleena Singh of Aha!Now has really done awesomely with her blogzine. You might not know what to learn from the blog at a glance being a tech addict, but staying up to five minutes or even turning out to be a regular reader of her blog will really turn you to a better individual irrespective of your field and interest.

She also hands out blogging tips from time to time sharing her own personal success stories including how she became so popular as a mother blogger and a blog commenting superstar.

Business Success Guide

This is another blog you should consider adding to your bookmark.  Business Success Guide as the name implies is a unique blog that hands out first hand tips on small business ideas, blogging tips, affiliate marketing skills and social media marketing guide.

It is owned by Efoghor Joseph Ezie who has managed two other successful business start ups; Tweetlow and mygigerr.com. Learning from such a person should be a pleasure to you.

Your Turn

I did not only listed 12 awesome tech tutorial blogs for you but also gave you another 3 awesome bonus list. This should inspire you to come up with other tech tutorial blogs you think we missed out in our list. Do not just drop links but also give us reasons why you think we should add them to our bookmarks as tech lovers.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Awesome list Sir.
    I have heard and also follow most of the blogs that made your list. Great to see someone who has so much passion for technology as I do. It is this passion and enthusiasm for tech related matters that has pushed me into creating my own blog and I hope some day, it will make your list.

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  4. Hey Obasi,

    Excellent article!

    I really appreciate that you’ve shared such valuable and informative article about best technology tutorial blog to bookmark.

    I’m new in blogging and have read only a few blogs, this one is very helpful. It will really help me to learn more about blogging and internet marketing. I’m going to bookmark all these blogs and also share it with my friends.

    Thanks for sharing such informative post.

    – Rekha

    • Thanks for dropping by Rekha,
      We do appreciate your kind words and wishes you the best on your blogging journey.

  5. Hi, I found this information is not only helpful but also useful. Thanks for sharing this awesome blog. I am a technical content writer at Hvantagetechnologies.com. All the time I need the inspiration to write something creative. Thanks again for the blog.

  6. Hi,
    Amazing List! easy to understand , you have shared some magical tips! this is informative post keep popsting. Many thanks

  7. Charles
    Hi there,
    You have a great blog and I would like to say thanks for sharing!

  8. Great collection. I have a technology tutorial as well, and it’s nice to be inspired by other successful bloggers. Thanks for the list :)

    • You are welcome James, I’m glad you liked it and hopes you won’t mind sharing the address of your blog to our readers.

  9. Nice write up Obasim hope to see my blog listed among the top technology blog in the world,.

  10. Nice info, these are some of the geniune qualities contents peoples spend time researching and content creator are lacking amoung their characters 9 ultimate Guides to Maintain and maximise the power status of your mobile/pc battery last longer

  11. Hi Obasi,

    Love your detailed post, Being a newbie blogger, i have much to learn from experienced writers such as yourself. Though my niche is hardly touched, i am still determined to do the best in my field!


  12. Awesome list. I particularly love smashing magazines

  13. I follow How-to-Geek. Love that blog!

  14. Smashing magazine is one of the most prominent resources which gave me the sense of marketing and planted a seed in my mind to grow the awesome ideas as far as wordpress is concerned after the wordpress manual WPBeginner has helped me many times to overcome the problems I faced while development in wordpress. Love them both

    • Thanks for sharing your thought on this list with us Umair, they are one of the best resources provider when it comes to the self hosted blog tutorials and wordpress CMS as a whole.

      I personally use to be a regular at http://yoast.com before he stopped posting regularly. Do have a wonderful afternoon buddy

  15. thanks for this great info, you really give a deep overview and research tutorial on this one. to rap it up, you did not include your own powerful informative site, that show how true Nigerian you are . Kudos Bro.

    • Thanks for all the compliments bro, I am so grateful for those kind words

  16. Vivek Nath @digitaladvices Vivek Nath @digitaladvices

    Great list of sites, didn’t know about Aha-Now and Noupe.
    Noupe have an awesome design.

    • Thanks for dropping by and checking my list Vivek, Noupe isn’t a child’s play when ever it comes to rendering awesomeness to even the ugliest designs. They review most of the best plugins, themes and apps for rendering great designs

  17. Hey Obasi,

    Well this is a cool list and I have no doubt that everyone mentioned here appreciates the heck out of you sharing their blogs with your readers, me included.

    I’m so very flattered and you’re right, Harleena and I don’t quite fit into the tech world although some of my blogging friends will argue with me about that. They say I write about tech but I think in my mind that’s more gadgets, computers, digital stuff, that’s more tech to me. I may write from time to time about something I’ve learned about which might seem tech in nature.

    Although I’m not a big tech reader who doesn’t know How To Geek. I’ve found myself on that site from time to time. Also I’ve occasionally dropped by WP Beginner and they have some amazing content as well. We all love to learn right.

    Thank you for sharing my blog with your readers, I so appreciate that. I also appreciate you sharing Harleena’s guest post over at my place too, I mean it was just exceptional what can I say. Who doesn’t want to learn how to make their comments stand out!

    Thank you again so very much and you enjoy your week okay!


    • Hi Mam Adrienne,

      Having you check out this post is such an awesome experience to me, I am personally motivated by the way you present your tips over there at your blog.
      The titles are always attention grabbing and straight to the point too, I usually can’t but imagine how much amount of time you do put in creating a single post on your blog.

      Although I do agree with you about tech and other digital gadgets that most dedicated tech bloggers do write about, I will like to assume that yours too is a tech blog that diversify into other useful tips at times.

      Most of my readers are already very much happy with my list of top tech tutorial blogs knowing that they provide resourceful recipes for every tech enthusiast

  18. Hi

    I know most of these blogs and Adriennesmith.net is one of the best blogs I have seen. TechLila is another very good SEO tutorial blog. Great list.


    • Thanks for being here today Sanjib, Adriennesmith.net is an awesome blog really, I actually bookmarked it on my first visit, same for techlila, Such a resourceful tech blog

  19. Yogendra Sharma Yogendra Sharma

    Great collection. All the blogs are full of tutorials and tips. All are much informational and helpful to learn the basic of blogging and internet marketing (my interest).

    • Thanks for letting known to us your interest Yogendra, they are awesome tech blogs really.

  20. Nice list boss, i must say am happy to see harleena and adrienne on that list, those ladies are really doing well, and i must also say i visit some of the other blogs you have mentioned wil sure take a look at the ones i havent visited.

    • Thanks for checking this out already Bob, they sure beat their competitors when it comes to Women blogging superstars

  21. Great List! I have already 8 of them bookmarked.
    Thanks for sharing.

    • Wow! thanks for checking out my list of top tech tutorial blogs buddy, do have a great day too

  22. I know many of the blogs and they are really helpful to gain tech knowledge.

    • Sure Giriraj! hardly will any tech enthusiast leave these blogs without checking another page of it. they sure provides real resources

  23. Hi Obasi,

    What an awesome list – and thank you SO much for the kind mention :)

    Yes, I know Adrienne, Joseph and myself don’t really fit in with the other top technology blogs you mentioned because of our different niches – yet you included us in this post as the +3 – we appreciate that ( I say that from all of us!)

    I surely need to check out most of the tech blog you mentioned, although I know a few of them that I visit often. I know many people who are into the technical niche don’t normally visit other blogs that are outside their niche, though doing so helps them widen their horizon and way of thinking. I think every blog is a great source of learning something or the other because you can learn so much for each other, which is what makes the Blogosphere such a wonderful place to be in, isn’t it?

    Thanks once again for the link love to my guest post at Adrienne’s additionally – much appreciated indeed. Have a nice week ahead :)

    • Thanks for checking out my list Mam,
      I am personally intrigued by your coming around to drop a valuable comment like this, personally I have learn a lot from your outstanding blog, that of Joseph and Mam Adrienne so do every other person who visits the blog.

      So encouraging my readers to add them to their bookmark list wasn’t a difficult decision since I already knew that visiting regularly will turn out to be a hobby for them.

      That your post at Mam, Adrienne’s blog was really an epic and so deserves my full recommendation.

      Do have a great week Mam.

  24. All the blogs that you’ve mentioned in this list are awesome ..I visit them often . These blogs have helped me learn a lot . Thanks for sharing this list brother !


    • Thanks for checking through my list buddy, you must really be a tech fan to have known all the tech tutorial blogs in my list. Do have a wonderful morning friend.

  25. Awesome list mate. It’s particularly great to see DonCaprio on the list. I am equally a huge fan of MyBloggerTricks and Wp Beginner. I haven’t really take note of your 3 picks, but I run through them and see whats cooking over there.

    Thanks for this list mate, starting off the week with new things to think about.

    • Thanks for dropping by today bro Nosa, it’s great seeing you around, I am sure you ‘ll get to love them on visiting. They sure provide awesome tips worth reading

      • Hi Obasi
        nice article great list for bookmark and blogging tutor. its very helpful to me. i really not know some of this website and i am big fan of WP beginner its very helpful site to new blogger. thanks for sharing.


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