Top 3 Apps to Log in to Msn and Skype at the same Time

It is no more news that the highly rated skype VoIP application and services has been fully acquired by the award winning company (Microsoft Inc.), making it one of their most expensive acquisitions over the years.This acquisition didn't come...

8 Social Media Platforms Your Business Should Consider Using

If you've exhausted the more “traditional” social media networks like Facebook and Twitter for your business networking efforts, it may be time to consider broadening your horizons. There are hundreds of social media platforms that are being underused by businesses...

The Influence of Social Media on All Critical Areas of Any Organization

Using social networks advertising and marketing is currently considered an excellent investment for marketing a company and has become a crucial structure assisting significant areas of any business organization. There are numerous facets of organizational management that might be straight...

Reasons Why People Loose their Twitter Followers?

There are some things about social media that remains to be a mystery and even the so called social media experts cannot actually predict the outcome. Experts cannot really tell or predict the behavior of the people in social...

What is the Power from Positive Social Media Fans?

People who uses the social media tends to focus more on the negative comments of several customers and tend to forget that there are positive social media fans too. Social media has become a very powerful marketing tool. Both...

6 Things I love about the New Gmail inbox Interface and looks

It actually came as a shock earlier today when I stumbled upon the re-branded gmail inbox look and stunning interface I was like wow! This is so cute, Little did I know that the new look actually came with...

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