How To Effortlessly Reduce Bounce Rate Of Blogs

Let me tell you what bounce rate is first. The bounce rate of a blog is an SEO term that describes how long a visitor spends on the page he landed on once he arrives from a...

8 Social Media Platforms Your Business Should Consider Using

If you've exhausted the more “traditional” social media networks like Facebook and Twitter for your business networking efforts, it may be time to consider broadening your horizons. There are hundreds of social media platforms that are being underused by businesses...

15 Best Technology Tutorial Blogs to Bookmark and Follow

I have been a lover of technology all my life which accounts to my having only tech blogs currently in my bookmark list. Just like me, you could be in dare need of blogs that provides real tutorials covering...

5 Known Reasons That Could Get Your Google Adsense Account Disabled

The amazing thing about Google Adsense account getting disabled is that most times, you only receive the warning after the account has been disabled. And at this stage its literally too late to do anything but to...

How To Apply For Google Adsense And Get Approved Instantly

Google Adsense Approval? Yes, it is still possible to get an Adsense account approved immediately even though there are very strict rules governing the approval. Some blogs may just be two months old and they would get approved, while...

Disadvantages of Running a Micro-Niche Blog

A novice might ask what is a micro-niche blog? A micro-niche blog is a blog that discuss a specific topic in details compared to a general blog that discuss various topics, a micro-niche blog is very detailed and specific....

Top 15 Fiverr Gigs Ideas that every buyer wants

Getting fiverr gig ideas can be a bit tasking. And even though fiverr is a fast growing market with thousands of gigs, there are still certain gigs that are in high demand and the market is small. So to...

5 Reasons Why WordPress is Not For Newbie Bloggers

Everyone is doing it, migrating from Blogger to Wordpress with the hope that Blogging gets easier and better for them. While only a few have knowledge about Search engine optimization, theme customization and configuring, they all head over to...

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