Today it is difficult to envision existence without PCs. The pace of computer technology development is surprising. Computer technology appeared in the middle of the 20th century and had a great influence on the development of science, technology, business,...
You've probably heard that putting your smartphone away before bed -- or at least switching it to nighttime mode -- is important to getting a good night's sleep. However, just because your smartphone can keep you awake doesn't mean...
Not too long ago, Japanese scientists elaborated the world’s first molecular robot. They reached the new level in molecular robotics. New robots that can control their shape-shifting functions and react to DNА signals, as they are made of bio-molecules.
Last time on 3ptechies' student resources, we learned about the Best Apps for College Students as well as introduced some top apps for solving Maths, algebra, and scientific equations. But today's topic is a bit different; it's about the...
Mathway app has been such a useful tool for students in colleges and high school. We have talked about it in our earlier post on best apps for college students as well as have it featured in our list...
There are free software and applications that can help you solve complicated maths problems and scientific equations, we'll be looking at the top 6 programs you can use to solve mathematical equations from your computer and/or mobile devices.
1. MindMaster
Since the tech giant Google launched it's amazing GLASS project as one of the most innovative ideas when it comes to wearable computers. Many including myself were puzzled at the length they took their innovation to, this was the...