How to Move a WordPress site from /blog to root directory In Seconds

While doing this is very simple and known by almost every regular wordpress user I decided to share the little weird tips I used to move mine blog from /blog (any directory ) to / (root directory ) on the same server using cpanel  default file manager in 10 minutes and on a limited data plan .

Time and data is precious to many of us as well as our site database, so moving your wordpress site to another folder (directory ) on your server using  this method should be very much riskfree ‘cos it could be easily reversed in seconds . This short tutorial is only for those of us using cpanel for their website control manger , also note that this was tested using the latest version of wordpress (wordpress 3.x.x) script . You may wanna use your ftp client like filezilla (for those of us using other control interface other than cpanel ) to try out this provided you are gonna backup every thing in your /blog (current directory ) first .

1. Log in to your cpanel by visiting your site in this format or

2. Locate file manager from the initial / default display screen and click on it

move your wordpress site to another directory







3. Delete the initial things that are not necessary including index.html / index.php from the root directory and navigate to /blog (current directory where your wordpress site is currently installed ) of your site => select everything there by clicking select all from the menu nav ==> click copy (not move , in order  to still have your backup copy) to start the copying process

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4. Remove /blog (current folder ) from the address to be copied to allowing it be copied to the root directory









5. Log in to your wordpress admin dashboard by visiting your site in this format ==> enter your log in details and hit enter => Navigate to settings / general and change the site url / wordpress address to point to your root directory ==> hit save and proceed to the next action








6. Edit your permalinks settings by navigating to settings/permalinks . N/b if you visit your root site at this point without editing the permalinks any post clicked on will return error 404 ==> edit the permalinks using exactly what you used before so as to reserve your backlink / pagerank  => hit save and proceed to the final step




7. Install “Regenerate Thumbnails” plugin by going to plugin -> add new -> enter Regenerate Thumbnails in the search bar and hit enter ==> install one from the search result to restore any broken image link during the migration





Hurray , Your site is moved , now visit your root directory by entering and check over and over again to confirm every thing now works fine ==> if 100% confirmed , download a backup copy of /blog and delete all the wp-content in there leaving the parent folder for the very last step .

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8. Force Wild card redirect on your /blog to reserved your backlinks (other sites already linking to your post ) , links , category , tags and all external links. To do this Go back to your cpanel interface and click on redirect from that window redirect both and to save and close .

Now your blog is moved . No coding ! No Difficulty Involved . Your Opinion / complaints below

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. I dont know about this…is this like Blog directory bro..??

    • the article is about transferring transferring your blog from one folder to the other ,,,,, that’s If I understand your question

  2. Nigeria Comedian Ogus Baba Nigeria Comedian Ogus Baba

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    • thanks for dropping by bro

  3. This a complete guide even with picture help. Thanks for the great info. I’ll surely make use of this great help

    • bro thanks for finding this write up useful , hoping to get more of your feedback


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