11 Best CMMS Software Solutions for Small and Large Businesses

We're in a whole new time, where businesses thrive by integrating cutting-edge technologies to automate and simplify several day-to-day operations. You've probably heard of CRM software solutions that help to improve customer relationships and management, but what about CMMS...

10 Best Software for Schedule and Appointment Management

Creating and managing business schedules and appointments can be quite difficult. However, with the right business tools, you can properly and efficiently handle multiple schedules and appointments from a single dashboard. This is where scheduling and appointment software solutions...

5 Extremely Helpful Tools for Launching a Business

Previously on 3rd Planet Techies, we've shared tips and reasons why some businesses die in their first year but would like to give you some solid tips on how to launch a business today. As a businessperson launching a...

The 10 Best PBX Systems for Large and Small Businesses

PBX Systems are becoming more popular - and adopted by businesses - because they are scalable and highly flexible. In today's business world, you need to adopt the latest automation and business management tools to stay in the limelight,...

5 HR Tips for Small Business Owners

Running your own small business is an incredible experience that carries the perks of self-fulfillment and career satisfaction. But as rewarding as the experience might be, it also comes with a slew of responsibilities that range from equipment acquisition to...

How Has Covid-19 Affected Online Businesses in 2021?

The coronavirus pandemic has had a huge impact on businesses all over the world, forcing many businesses to shut down temporarily during the global lockdown and changing consumer spending habits. While the vaccines have now been rolled out in...

Features and Challenges of ERP for Small Business

Why is it for a small business? According to The Small Business Advocate, 99.7% of all U.S. companies are small businesses. That's a lot, isn't it? It is absolutely true that ERPs are great assistants for businesses of all...

Top 10 QuickBooks Add-Ons for Modern Manufacturers

QuickBooks is a huge resource for business owners and managers. If you don't know what it is, QuickBooks is accounting software that you can utilize to manage your expenses and income, keep track of the financial aspects of your...

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