Key Cybersecurity Measures for Protecting Digital Signage Networks

Digital signs have provided a new way to reach audiences, whether that be in an airport or a shopping center, thanks to the best digital signage software available. However, this new type of media does raise a distinct concern:...

From Passwords to Passkeys: The Evolution of Security Standards

We are all moving from using passwords to other forms of security authentication for apps, websites, and devices, right? Well, security standards have evolved greatly in recent years, and there are now more ways to ensure unauthorized access to...

VPN Checklist: What to Look for When Comparing VPNs

Choosing a VPN service is such an important decision that warrants careful consideration. Not all VPNs are created equal. Some might promise the moon but deliver a cheese wheel instead, making your online life less secure. While it may...

Dealing with a Restricted Phone Call: Your Ultimate Guide

In today's world of telemarketing and online scams, receiving a call from a restricted number has become quite common. These calls hide the caller's identity and phone number on purpose and can come from individuals, businesses, or automated systems....

Baiting in Cyber Security: What Is It and How Does it Work?

Cybercriminals constantly improve their techniques, but the human element will always be their greatest growth lever. Cyber attacks are so sophisticated that the only way criminals can still get away with them is by tricking employees. According to Verizon’s Data...

How Forced Pairing of Cell Phones Works

In the digital age, the forced pairing of cell phones has become a topic of intrigue and concern. Popularized by the TV series "Person of Interest," this concept involves connecting two cell phones so that one device can intercept...

Rare tips on increasing the cybersecurity of your webshop

As a webshop owner, it is crucial to ensure your cybersecurity is up to date. The arms race of the 21st century is online, which means you need to always strive to increase your cybersecurity. In this article, we...

5 Differences between businesses that do and do not fair well against hackers

There are 2 types of businesses in the online world right now; those that deal with hackers extremely well and those that end up being victims. But what are the differences that caused this distinction between these categories of...

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