Ifeanyi Okondu

Ifeanyi Okondu is a tech, fitness, and health writer. He is good with Android, technology news, Gadget tweaks, and tips on consumer electronics.

How to Fix Noisy Fan in Laptop and Notebook Computers

A noisy fan in a laptop or notebook computer can be a significant annoyance, disrupting your workflow, leisure time, or even your sleep. Beyond the irritation, a noisy fan...

How Forced Pairing of Cell Phones Works

In the digital age, the forced pairing of cell phones has become a topic of intrigue and concern. Popularized by the TV series "Person of Interest," this concept involves...

5 Differences between businesses that do and do not fair well against hackers

There are 2 types of businesses in the online world right now; those that deal with hackers extremely well and those that end up being victims. But what are...

Common Windows 10 Problems and How To Solve Them

After promising its users that Windows 10 was the last operating system they would ever release, Microsoft went ahead and surprised everyone with Windows 11. It was finally time...

Best SaaS Solutions for 2024 Which Are Becoming The Golden Standard

The business landscape is an ever-changing one, constantly being driven forward by customer trends and of course technology. Perhaps few other aspects of modern business demonstrate this better than...

How to Remove a Trojan from Your Mac

The Mac OS is undoubtedly the safest operating system out there. But then, although Mac malware is quite rare, it isn't unheard of. Malware like Trojan horses is a...