Apparently, reviews are done differently by several tech blogs out there; while some are restricted to paid reviews only, ours isn’t. We try so hard not only to review products and services with uttermost honesty but also to make recommendations knowing that our readers’ money is in line when deciding to order any product or services.
Paid or Free?
Normally we do write a review for the products and services we have tried or have access to how they work and strongly believe we can give perspicacious & precise knowledge on how useful they can (or can’t) be to our readers. In this case, all our reviews are done for free except when contacted by a third-party.
No doubt, product owners will always like new users to explore their products and drop their opinions about them from time to time. They can go as far as contacting bloggers to write about their products and services; we understand this fully and wouldn’t want a situation where we are forced to mislead our readers.
Since our time is always greatly involved when exploring new products, it is expected of the third-party that wants us to review any of their product to discuss their max budget during the first email sent to us via the contact page.
The Types of Products we Review
There is no limit to the kind of products we review as long as they aren’t used for nudes and illegal activities and are related to tech and this website’s niche.
From computer software, applications, games, web applications, themes, plugins, modules, services to gaming consoles, smartphones, devices, hardware, accessories, electronic gadgets, auto-mobile, and peripherals.
We undertake several cautions to make sure we aren’t in any way pushing support to the fans of the brand or service we are reviewing but to give a clear-cut guide to our readers.
How We Rate Them
Since our reviews are neither intended to serve as an official assessment nor a means to give feedback to the owners, publishers, developers, and/or engineers, we consider several factors when rating the product, services, and/or tech devices.
We will normally use stars to represent the score meter for any product we review.
The highest score is five, while the lowest score is one. Unrated products are either reviewed by a freelancer or are so poor that we couldn’t even decide a score credit for it.
Most products reviewed by freelancers ( this happens very rarely, you will also be notified about it) are scored using random info collected among our editorial team or users from forum and discussion boards.
How We Treat Giveaways
Since is a multi-niche tech blog, there is the possibility of low-interest in some products from our readers. We have decided to stop accepting some classes of giveaways as a result of this. We can only accept giveaways that are related to;
- Sponsorship
- Gadgets and Peripherals
- Electronics and Devices
- Hosting and Domain Name Related
- Themes, Plugins, Framework, and Modules
Any other products, eBooks, software, games, services, or apps that aren’t related to the above categories should be published by the vendors using the right board in our discussion forum here.
If you are paying for any review or advertisement that needs to be published in the form of a giveaway, the contact page must be used to get to our editorial team and the max budget stated in the very first email.
Else, use the “MarketPlace” or “Freebies” section of to publish them for free.
Is there any concern or questions about the content of this page?
Kindly communicate that to us via projects(at)